Barron Charitable Foundation
"No person was ever honored for what he received.
Honor has been the reward for what he gave."
- Calvin Coolidge
Personal Investment in Brighter Futures
Our Beginnings
Andrew Barron Worden created Barron Charitable Foundation in 2003, as an independent and nonprofit organization with the goal of providing much-needed support to those organizations that help individuals overcome adversity. The incorporation of Barron Charitable Foundation came at a time when personal realizations inspired Mr. Worden to act and make a difference on a meaningful scale. Today, Mr. Worden remains the sole grantor to the foundation, which has allowed it to make many grants each year to different charitable causes.
Our Mission
The Barron Charitable Foundation believes that the best way to alleviate the hardships of today’s world is to encourage initiatives that expand opportunity and challenge those problems that threaten all societies. We support organizations that identify and adhere to the core underpinnings of solving today’s most pressing needs.
Our Board
The Barron Charitable Foundation comprises board members located in the United States, Ireland, and China. Pursuant to the goals of our foundation, the board members of Barron Charitable Foundation strive to find those opportunities with an allegiance to society and the individual rights and needs of citizens across the globe. The board members serve on a voluntary basis with no compensation.
Andrew Barron Worden, Founder and Sole Grantor
Harvard University, B.A. in Physical Sciences, Class of 1988. Also studied engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as finance and marketing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management, as a cross-enrolled undergraduate while at Harvard.
“After several personal realizations, I decided that I needed to give more back to society. In addition to focusing Barron Partners on clean energy investments and founding Soltas Energy to focus on solar power plants, I founded Barron Charitable Foundation and am the sole grantor to the foundation. This has allowed the Foundation in turn to make many grants each year to different charitable causes. “
“In 2007, I joined the Board of Advisors for Solectria Renewables, a leading solar inverter company owned primarily by my brother, James Worden and his wife, Anita. I also served as a sponsor and host to Life Project Africa in 2008, which provides water, healthcare, and education to impoverished communities of Africa’s Sub-Saharan region, giving them a chance to have a better life.”
Olga Filippova, Board Member
Dickinson College, B.S. in Physics and Math Minor. Also studied at NYU
“I give money to organizations that work with disabled children and children in general, always turn off all electrical appliances not in use, and try to be positive with other people.”